Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Spring Masterpiece? Please include humor!

I'm six days in, to a ten-day break from work: so far, so good.

In addition to paying my taxes today, I've been catching up on some correspondence: my son, a co-worker, a former professor, and an old friend -- not necessarily in that order. Actually, I started with who I owed a response to the longest. I was about a month behind. (Last of all, comes this blog. I'm a bit behind here too.)

My writing is often reflective, as I'm sure you've noticed. Someone once said, "I don't know what I really think about something until I write about it." That's what happens when I write: I find out what I think about things.

A co-worker recently wrote this as part of an exchange on FaceBook, after we had established that sometimes I am a royal pain, she wrote: "True, true - (but) I like your talent of caring, working hard, ever learning, knowing scripture and making your co-workers laugh!"  My favorite part of her quote is "...and making your co-workers laugh!" 

Another co-worker's husband quotes John Wooden on FaceBook: "Make each day your masterpiece."

One of my favorite things about my co-workers is that we make each other laugh. 

Recently, a co-worker asked, "Now what are you laughing about?"

I replied, "You. Again."

And we both laughed.

It seems that many of us at work take turns providing comic relief for each other, and most of the time, it's not on purpose. 

But that's what makes our daily work at school a masterpiece: We make each other laugh!

Sometimes we chuckle.

Sometimes we just say, Tsssss...

Laughter: it's a wonderful addition to our daily masterpieces.

Laugh on! (Or at least say, Tsssss...)