Monday, April 20, 2009

Vanishing Point -- Every picture has a Story...

Laura Jayne has created a writing community over at her blog: Pictures, Poetry and Prose. I don't respond to all the prompts, but sometimes I do. Many of the blogs I follow, I found after reading a good post on LJ's site.

I like people who think critically and creatively. When I read their writings, I begin to see the world as they see it. That's fun.

On Saturday Laura Jayne offered this picture and prompt:

Photo by Lorelei
Visit her photo gallary at -
and her blog at -
Suggested prompt...
Tell the story of or create a poem for this amazing photo.

Here was my offering:

Vanishing Point

"Hard to believe there's only five more weeks of high school," commented Maria, her breath adding to the early morning fog along the riverbank.

"I can't believe it either," uttered Frank as he hunkered along, trying to stay warm against the penetrating dampness.

"And what were we thinking, ending our stint with a zero-period class?"

"Obviously we weren't thinking very clearly."

Maria laughed. "I'm going to miss you Frank."

"Ditto girl. But this is what we've been working hard for: we're both heading off to different colleges in the fall."

"You're right. Goodbye sleepy river town. Goodbye factory job. Goodbye future-less friends."

"We're in the mist now, but the dawn's coming. This fog will disappear, and so will we."

"You're such a poet! I'm the artist. Let's see: Gray hues will yield to bright colors. Vanishing points will give way to new beginnings, new perspectives."

"Oh Maria, I'm going to miss our talks and our walks."

Maria smiled in the mist, "Me too."

They walked on together in the predawn fog, each lost in their own thoughts, each enjoying the white space that punctuated their friendship, both moving on... towards the vanishing point.


  1. Love the mood evoked by that photo. Your story reminds me of endings and beginnings, sadness ameliorated by hope.

  2. Deedee: Thanks for commenting. Maybe the story resonates with you as you've moved into and past the end of one job... leading to... another... the unknown. You've got the ending... now... the new beginning!


  3. Oooooh... "each enjoying the white space that punctuated their friendship..." Niiice. I love a well-turned phrase. :)

  4. Saphron: Thanks. That's why I like your book and movie reviews: you turn a nice phrase or two yourself! (Your poetry is good too!)
