Sunday, March 25, 2012

Running: Week Four -- Reflections.

I am one month into a new life: a life as a runner. Granted, I'm a very beginning runner, but a runner none-the-less.

So much of what you can accomplish depends on what you think you can accomplish: self-image determines a lot. Self-image is a lot like self-talk, only with pictures, imagery, and imagination.

I logged a little over 11 miles. The week before I did 10. (My goal for the coming week is still 10.)

Talking with a seasoned runner, my daughter, this is a fun time in a runner's journey. She calls it "A time of low-hanging fruit." A time of 10% increases in miles run... in a week. A time when you can shave a whole minute off of your mile split. That's where I am: A time of low-hanging fruit!

There are other sports that aren't so beginner friendly, like tennis and surfing, or water and snow skiing. An example of another beginner friendly sport would be racquetball. You can have some fun right from the get go.

So here's my week of low-hanging fruit:

Sunday, I did a mile of power-walking  followed by some very, very simple yoga. (Yoga is also beginner-friendly.)
On my Monday holiday, I did my 5k practice, mostly walking, as noted on my previous journal entry. (45 minutes).
On Tuesday, I took a "spa day." No workout. Just recovery. Muscles and joints were grateful for a day off.
On Wednesday, I did the one mile/simple yoga routine again. Just being nice to recovering muscles.
On Thursday I tried a morning run/walk (1 minute running, 2 or 3 minutes walking) on a new route, in the early morning light (6:15 am-ish). I logged a 14 minute mile. (That's down from the 14 1/2 minute pace of my 5k on Sunday. Low hanging fruit improvement.)
On Friday I did a 1 mile walk with strength training intervals. It's equivalent to a two mile walk.
By Saturday, I was ready for my "big" run/walk of the week. Some years ago, my wife and I used to walk some of the horse trails in Fullerton, my home town. So I charted a two-mile course, and tried a two-mile mid-day walk/run. I experimented with a one minute run, two minute walk... just to see if I could keep it up for two miles. I did. Woo-hoo. Each mile was at a 13 minute pace. I was just trying for the run/walk ratio. The pace took care of itself. As my daughter noted: More low-hanging fruit. A good cut off my mile split.

Two co-workers did a 5K on Saturday, and logged a 38 minute 5K. Nicely done. They were hoping to break 40 minutes. (IF I could tag on one more 13 minute mile on top of the two I ran/walked, I'd be at about 40 minutes for the 5K (3.1 mile) course.)

April 21st is my debut in an actual 5K. My daughter is sponsoring me and running with me. It's her way of mentoring her old man into a life of fitness and fun. I guess that's my new target: to be prepared.

I looked at the times for the 55-59 year-old-men in the event my co-workers ran, and found very few entries. I'd be toward the middle or back of those that ran even in that age category. But then again, in that age category, most didn't even make it to the starting line. That's what I'm aiming for: the starting line. The finish line will take care of itself, based on preparation.

I finished a book yesterday by basketball coaching great John Wooden of UCLA fame. Several times he refers to this quote:

“The journey is better than the inn".” 
― Miguel de Cervantes SaavedraLa Numancia

I'm enjoying the journey. And the people I'm meeting along the way.


  1. So great to know your determination is continuing and I like the philosophy about getting to the starting line. Keep it up, Don.

    1. @Scriptor: Thanks for the encouragement. I'm discovering that determination is a skill which can be developed. (Or like a plant that needs tended.) Perhaps, it's like gardening (horticulture) which is both science and art?

  2. Which daughter is sponsoring you: older or younger? It sounds like you are on your way. I ran today (the 200 footer).

    1. @Dennis: That would be Joanna. The run is at her school -- CSUF. She teaches Chemistry in the nursing program. Good job on the 200 footer. Empowered? Eh?

  3. On the scale of Washtucna and Kahlotus I am more empowered than what is good for me.

    1. Well, Paul said, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." That's EMPOWERED! So... it's all good! ;-)

  4. That quote is great. Keep going Don! You're doing great clearly in this new journey.

    Happy Easter to you and your family :)

    1. @September: Thanks for the encouragement. Back at ya: Happy Easter!

  5. Just reading your account makes me feel quite exhausted! I've never done one sporty thing since I left school, but, at 81, I'm fit and creak-free! Don't overdo it. Let the low fruit hang there!
    (Thanks for following me.)

    1. @Rinkly: Thanks for stopping by. You might enjoy my "label" on poetry. It's mostly free verse. I've enjoyed poetry since high school (70's). Fit & creak free at 81 is awesome!
